Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I write. I love to write. But I don't share it. I'm not sure why. I suppose I am scared of people stealing it or judging me on it. I don't think I should care about either of these things. But I do. I am greedy and self-concious. Both are things that satan teaches us to be. Plus, I wonder if I actually wrote these things myself? Doesn't God know everything I do before it is done? So, in effect, did he already write these things, using me as a mere vessel to share it? In that case should't I share it? But the thing is - some of it, most of it, is kind-of depressing. Afterall I am most inspired when I am feeling down, alone, depressed ... aka under satan's thumb. So is it satan, then, that wants me to share these things - to relate hate and sadness? In that case I should not share. Or was it just me? Using a talent God gave me, influenced by the world, and writing what has/hasn't been thought of or written before? In that case I want to share it. But do I? I want people to read it. I want people to relate to me and me to them. But at the same time ... is this the message I want to convey? Shouldn't I want my writing to reflect the love of God and all things beautiful? I do. It's just not where my inspiration and desire to think or write comes from. I use pressure, I use pain, and I use loneliness as a launching point to create. When will that change? And ... should it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this. And you. Can you please write like this all the time!! You inspire me.