When deciding on a Halloween costume you should always ask John. Why? Because John knows best. At least he thinks so. So I asked John. "John, what should I dress up as for Halloween? I can't decide." After thoughtful consideration John gave me a few suggestions.
1. The evil queen from Snow White. According to John we have a similar bone structure in the face ... okay.
2. Little Bo Peep. I didn't want to know why.
3. A peasant from the 18th century ... I suppose I can do the low-cut tattered dress with long curly hair ...
4. A mermaid. I always was a little jealous of Ariel.
5. A countess ... why not?!
And my favorite:
6. Little Miss Muffet. At this suggestion all I could think of was that I would have to carry a bowl of curds and whey (sp?) all night and I didn't want to do that. But John looked at me as if to say are you serious? and responded "No way, you carry a plate of steak and lobster." And then he recited, "Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her steak and lobster and drinking a glass of chardonnay. Along came a spider that said to her, 'Little Miss Muffet, why don't you paint the town with me? You have been on that tuffet way too long. You need to come out and we will paint the town red.'" ... pretty much the best rendition of that nursery rhyme ever.